Sunday Morning Memorial Vigil video
Saint Romero Memorial Bubbles video
Video from the trial of Ex-dictator Ríos Montt
tambíen en Español
Guatemalan court strike down Ex-dictator Ríos Montt sentence for genocide
Ex-dictator Ríos Montt convicted of genocide for 1980s abuses

Fr Roy dismissed from priesthood and Maryknoll by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Fr Roy responds that The Vatican and Maryknoll can dismiss me, but they cannot dismiss the issue of gender equality in the Catholic Church.

Lisa Sullivan analysis of Chavez re election

Inside Story, The SOA, Class over?

Nicaragua says No Mas

Mitt Romney linked to Salvadoran death squads

Mike Walli one of the 2009 SOA Watch 4, helps shut down a Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility

Ecuador pulls out of SOA!

Video from SOA Watch April Days of Action, 2012

April Days of Action mobilizing video

Please call your rep and ask them to sign rep. Janice D. Schakowsky's dear colleague letter "Support Human Rights in Honduras". Ask for the email address of their foreign policy aid and send this report from the Center for Constitutional Rights to them. Honduras Report

Theresa M. Cusimano was released July 11, 2012 after serving six months in federal prison for entering Fort Benning during the 2011 SOA Watch Vigil.

An Israeli defence consultancy is assisting with dirty work in Colombia previously monopolised by the United States.

UT initiates Documentos Digitalizados del Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional de Guatemala
Currently this archive contains about 10 million images of what will eventually be 80 million when all the documents are scanned

Links to 2011 Vigil news
Direct Action

SOA Watch and Whie Rose activist Chris Spicer crosses the line at Stewart Detention Center vigil
Full story

Costa Rican Attorney Sues to Stop SOA Training
San Jose, Nov 14th, 2011. On nov 13th, 2011, Lawyer and peace advocate Luis Roberto Zamora, known for his legal achievements, such as the withdrawal of Costa Rica from the Coalition of the willing that invaded Iraq, the declaration of unconstitutionality of ar machinery and weapons in Costa Rica, and the recognition of the Right to Peace in the country, filed suit before the Supreme Court against the Costa Rican government, requesting the declaration of unconstitutionality of the sending of police to receive training at military schools, particularly, the School of the Americas. The lawyer argues the the 2007 declaration, made by President and Nobel Peace Laureate Oscar Arias, in terms of not sending more police to the School of the Americas, for its known human rights violations record, constitutes a unilateral obligation of international law, binding for the Government of Costa Rica, consequently, the sending of police couldn't have resumed. In addition, and as wikileaks revealed in March 2011, Security Ministry and Oscar Arias, bending over US Embassy pressure, agreed on an ilegal plan to get police sent again to the School of Assasins. According to the cable, Fernando Berrocal would request Arias permission to send cops again to the military school, and Arias wouldn't reply, so Berrocal would understand that the request was granted. Such action has been claimed by the lawyer both contrary to the law and contrary to the binding principle of good faith. The lawyer also argues that any relation to such schools results incompatible with the Costa Rican peace constitution and as such, should be prohibited.

Court dismisses charges against the SOA Watch White House 15
Full story

Guatemalan General Héctor Mario López Fuentes an SOA grad arrested for genocide.
Full story

Taxpayers $ wasted
attempting to lure Costa Rican students back to the SOA. WikiLeaks has posted two cables from the U.S. embassy in Costa Rica that offer insight into the U.S. pressure to keep the SOA/ WHINSEC in business.

Read the cables here:
Cable 1
Cable 2

The 2009 SOA Watch 4 have completed their sentences and been released.

Click here for Columbus Ledger Story
Link to KOOP interview with Ken
Link to Austin Citysphere interview
Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera

ATCF organizes quarterly delegations to visit maquiladora workers and communities along the Mexico-U.S. border. The Comite' Fronterizo de Obreras (CFO: Border Committee of Women Workers) hosts each group's visit, enabling U.S. delegates to meet with workers who are defending human rights, justice and dignity in a harsh labor environment.

enter webpage

Enter SOAW Austin

The Sanctuary of Presente
by Kenneth Kennon

The fence of violence was transformed
Once again
Into an unseasonable sacred space
A sanctuary of nonviolence
By the power of the spirit

Festooned on chain-links and barbed wire
White crosses and stars hung
Carrying names of the dead
Their holy images
And banners with messages of hope

This quiet metamorphosis
Emerged from simple acts of many hands
As tears welled
The remembered rang through stately wood
Of brilliant and falling autumn leaves

In solemn preparation
Of a joyous spring
