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Michael David Omondi
Fr Louis Vitale
Nancy Smith
Chris Spicer

2010 Vigil Prisoners of Conscience

Four activists crossed the line during this year's vigil. David Omandi, a member of the Catholic Workers from Los Angeles and Father Louis Vitale, a Francisan priest from California pleaded "no contest" and were sentenced to the maximum sentence of 6 month in prison. Fr Vitale also crossed last year and in previous years. Chris Spicer from the White Rose Catholic Worker in Chicago and Nancy Smith from the Hudon River Valley in New York returned for trial on January 5, 2011. Nancy pleaded "no contest" and Chris pleaded not guilty, both were sentenced to 6 months in prison.
Write to the prisoners:

Michael David Omondi 94638-020
Released May 20, 2011

Poems by David Omondi
Letter 1 by David Omondi
Letter 2 by David Omondi

Louis John Vitale 25803-048
Released May 20, 2011

Letter 1 from Louis
Letter 2 from Louis

Nancy H. Smith 94641-020
Released July 1, 2011

Site devoted to Nancy Smith

Released July 1, 2011

Blog devoted to Chris Spicer

POCs prior to 2005