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Our goal is to expose and close the School of the Americas/ WHINSEC and to resist the oppressive policies and systems that it represents. We act in solidarity  with our Latin American sisters and brothers and all those around the world  whose lives are impacted by these policies, as one part of an international struggle for human rights and global justice.


As SOA Watch we gather in the diverse traditions of nonviolence, with respect for the right to self-determination of oppressed peoples and communities. Together we envision a day in which a culture of peace with justice and respect for Earth will prevail, where all people will live together free from oppression.


This weekend, in our tradition of nonviolence:


We will gather together in a manner that reflects the world we choose to create.


We will promote an alternative to domination systems by acting with love, respect, mutuality, compassion, and acceptance  for the interdependence of all life.


We will struggle for a world free from violence and we will use actions, words and symbols consistent with this struggle.


We will not use or instigate violence against any person.


We will act with respect for the people and property of the local community.


We will promote the safety of ourselves and others through our actions and interactions.


We commit to recognize and to work to dismantle all forms of oppression in our personal relationships, local neighborhoods, globally and with Earth itself. We will return to our communities with renewed energy to close the SOA/WHINSEC.